Saturday, May 24, 2008

Reaching up....

Still practicing on this blog, but I think that I am ready to do more with it. This is one of my favorite songs of all thime. It talks about reaching up to God and reaching out to each other. About not being satisfied with a comfortable life. To step out and lose all of youself. No more comming up short....oh just check out the video.

Brian Hardin, Jill Parr

Step up, come over to the other side
Raise the bar higher
Live an adventurous life
Scale the mountains of faith
Feel the wind on our face
Hear destiny calling
See the wonder of grace

Reach up to God
Reach into one another
Reach out to the world
Reach for the future

I'm no longer comfortable
Living a harmless life
I'm standing counter to that
I'm not afraid of the fight
I'm tired of coming up short
I'm tired of losing the faith
This is a revolution
This is my revolution

I want to speak truer
I want to think purer
I want to walk straighter
I've got to know His love is deeper
I want to be kinder
I've got to press harder
I'm at the end of myself
I'm at the end of myself

I've got to let go
I've got to trust Him more complete
I've got to hold on to hope
I know His love is changing me
I feel the peace returning
I feel a fire burning
This is my revolution
This is our revolution
This is our future

©2006 Little China Music/sesac

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Facing death in life.

My family has been no stranger to death the past couple of years. We lost my sister's husband 2 years ago, another sister lost her husband a year later, I lost one of my 5 brothers last year, my wife Tammy lost her mother in March of this year and now she has lost her aunt, her dads sister, a couple of days ago. It seems that we just go from one loss to another, without much chance to absorb the previous loss.
Death is so unfair. The only fair part about it is that we all will die someday. My 8 year old daughter when told about her great-aunt's passing ask me...." why did she die. I prayed so hard for her not to." We are told to have faith, pray and that God will take care of it. What we don't say or realize is that sometimes, and it seems when death is involved, quite often, death wins over. "...but I prayed for her to be healed."...."but I prayed for him to be spared." "I had faith that he would not die. "I have thought these same things myself at times. We forget that death is only a separation of the body and the soul. Paul says that to be absent from the body is to be present in Christ. 2 Cor 5:8 No more pain, no more tears, no more sickness or decay. Alive with Christ, in His presence. Sounds like healing to me. This is tough for us who survive without our love ones to comprehend sometimes. Unless the Lord takes me suddenly, someday not all the prayers in the world will keep me here with you. Someday I will become ill and die, but keep one thing in mind, you prayed for me to be healed, you prayed for me to be free of this sickness and pain, and I was.
"(Yes) we have confident and hopeful courage, and we are well pleased rather to be away from home out of the body and to be at home with the Lord."
2nd Corinthians 5:8 AMP
Michael W Smith writes...." into every life a little rain must fall, and losing one you love is like a storm. Storms are passing, I hear, Lisha, singing in Heaven tonite, and in between the sadness, I hear Lisha, telling me that's shes' alright."
Michael W Smith
From the CD i 2 i

Getting started

One very wise person, who did not even have a brain said that it was always best to start at the beginning, so here it goes. I never thought of having a blog before. Did not really know what one was till my son-in law started one. I was so impressed with his I thought I would start my own. That's me in the picture. I'm the older one. the other is my son, Ricky. We were on a train in Cape. He was having such a great time he just grabbed my arm and said..." Your the best dad ever." What a thing to hear ! Made me wonder how often we think of our heavenly father as "dad". Not often enough I am afraid. Dad is a special word you know. The old saying any man can be a father, but it takes some one special to be a dad is true. How more special can a "DAD" be than what God is to us? I provided a train ride for my family one afternoon, God provides us with everything. He created to world, the sun, the moon, the stars. He is my provider ! Think about this, the same God who created the heavens and the earth provides our "daily bread". Now that's a dad. With all that is going on, He still has time for me. For you. Be sure to say hello to your "DAD" today.